Tiger Cub Scouts
A 7 year old or child in the first grade joins Cub Scouting with their parent or adult guardian. Tigers and their adult partners are just that, partners. They attend meetings together, go on adventures like field trips together, and complete requirements together.
A Tiger first works on earning the Bobcat badge. After completing the requirements for Bobcat they go on to complete the requirements for the Tiger rank and the many electives that are offered.
The Tiger program gives parents an opportunity to provide their children with a safe, structured, and nurturing environment. Tiger Cubs and their adult partners have fun together while developing closer family relationships. Scouting can provide positive, enriching experiences and activities to complement a child's formal classroom education. Scouting and education share the common goal of helping young people grow into self-reliant, dependable, and caring adults.
Tiger Cubs offers an opportunity for kids to engage the Scouting family at an important age. Research has shown that early involvement in values-based programs is vital to strong character development. The longer a youth stays in Scouting, the more likely they are to develop the values and skills needed to become an ethical and productive citizen.
The Tiger Cub program is designed for First Grade youth and the ideas are geared to their level. They are also arranged to help the child and their adult partner interact together in a positive way.