Lion Cub Scouts
The Lion curriculum has been developed by a diverse group of experts. Representatives from the fields of childhood development, education and child psychology contributed to create a high-quality, age-appropriate, family-friendly program. In Lions, you’ll find the familiar concepts of character development, leadership skills, personal fitness and citizenship weaved into “Adventures” that are age-appropriate and fun. “Adventures,” which are themed sets of activities and experiences, will help families explore the world around them.
When completing an adventure, a Lion will earn an “adventure sticker” for his Lion Adventure Book as well as a belt loop for their uniform.
Parents will serve as “Lion Guides.” A parent or guardian is required to attend all Lion meetings and activities with their Scout. This is to ensure both the effectiveness of the program and, more importantly, the safety of all Scouts in the program. Our Lion Den has a primary Den Leader, but leadership responsibilities will be shared among all parents in the Den. We’ll be following the official BSA Lion Curriculum, but we’ll also have more opportunities for fun throughout the year!